Sometimes when I held them in my arms, I still couldn't believe it that I have twin girl and mommy to 4 lovely kids now. Well Allah gives rezeki in his own special way and I am truly blessed and grateful for what we have now :) Want to see their picture ?
On the left is Sofea and on the right is Syafiqa. Maybe they look identical to you, but in real they are non-indentical.

What I have learnt for the past two months :-
a) More organised, and a better MULTITASKER - (read) handling the twin when they decide to cry at the same time, breastfeeding football style. I learnt to eat in a very quick way (usually 5-10 minutes I have finish my meal), having dinner while breastfeeding the babies, teach danial homework/art while breastfeed, putting adam to sleep while breastfeed baby and the list goes on.
b) CONCEALER is my "new best friend" these days. It is miracle if I could sleep 8 hours straight, which I never had to since 2 months ago. These days I sleep around 4/5 hours max.
c) Ever since become mommy of 4 - I try to give my one-to-one attention to all my kids as best as I could. But it is tough, considering my second hero is still small and I guess he is/was having a tough time to accept the fact that he has two lil sisters. hee hee :) So what I do is, whenever the babies sleep, I maximise spend time with the lil bros and vice versa. Although at this point of time I think the time spend with babies are quite alot compared to spend time with the lil bros. Breastfeeding is time consuming especially when you have two babies !
d) Nowadays I dont really have ME time. I long to read a book or having a quiet ME time. For now our house is like a nursery and the only time it is quiet is when all 4 of them are asleep.
e) I never care the existence of MPV until now. In fact I've been reading motor trader forum about MPVs, and one of our favourite topic these days is MPV. Hahahahah
The thing is Spacious car + Happy kids = Happy parents.
Unlike now
Cramped car + Kids arguing all the time = Mommy ends up having migraine.
f) It is not a good idea to have lunch/dinner with 4 kids at the restaurant. Well you never know until you try it don't you. It wasnt so bad, despite the fact that Sofea decided to vomit on the floor after i Burped her, Adam quarrel with Danial over the free balloon from MacD, Adam purposely make music with the utensils to get attention when Daddy is occupied with food, Adam scream out loud since Danial do not want to share his balloon, and the babies decided to cry at the same time too. But we survived and I laughed at my husband since he looked so stress up after our lunch. I told him, hey it wasnt that bad, at least we still can finish our meal isn't it ?
Will share more of my experience in my next entry. Take care. :)
comelnyer ikut muka ayah depoa byk erkkk
cute gilerrrrrr. mata kasar mmg nampak identical. thot the same baby but diff angle. putih melepak! :)
tey are so cuteeeee!!! iisshh rindunyeeerrr.. nak kiss sket boley??
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