i have new ideas on how to cut short my entry on each posting. instead of typing i am going to just post pictures. heee hee save time
sorry TIME is very luxury for me now.
if you read my FB status you might now that i am currently a temporary SAHM.
but do you think i can eat with peace, have long bath, stroll along the shopping malls with twin, oh how i wish that when i can barely eat in peace, sampai nak tercekik most of the time, usually i will eat while holding either sofea/syafiqa, cook while the other hand holding baby again, barely can sleep throughout the night what more nap time, and even to do what i wish to do when i become SAHM (although for temporary)...
sometimes i wonder am i the only mommy who is struggling juggling my twin and other kids, while other mom are doing well ? teruk sangat ke ni ? because someone i know who has twin boys seem not to have big deal with all those sleep-deprived issues, tiredness, and etc..hish i seriously hope i am not the only one who is struggling;
well the other reason why i do not want to write a long entry is because it will ended up as a LONG WHINING ENTRY, and i am sure *my readers, if i have any* would be bored to hear my WHINING story.
for now if i could see a genie i would ask her to grant my three wishes
a) fast forward the time so that twin and my other kids become 2/3 years old and hopefully things a lot easier for me..oh gosh it is so tough sometimes *rasa nak breakdown pun ada sometimes*, although i know i have to go through this i just hope well it will get easier and not so challenging for me *long sigh*
b) let me win the pr0t0n mpv naming contest. and we dont have to worry how to fit in all the four kids comfortably.
c) let me work from home, without having to worry how to pay my bills.
anybody kind enough to grant my 3 wishes ?
b whats happening during puasa and raya time
oh btw selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin from me and my family :)
alaalaaa.. cian mummy.. letih yeek.. picit2... mwaaah.. sabar ya nisa.. sebentar aja kok... nanti kalau sudah besar dua2nya tak nak kita lagi tau.. mesti rindu nak peluk2 cium2 baby2 itew.. kalau bosan sangat main umah diah boleh diah tolong jaga ramai2 mesti best.. hehehe boleh lah nisa rest sekejap.. :D
alahai, i wish i cud grant u ur wishes. all i cud do is to pray Jannah for u. :)
btw, ld.. nak minta ur email boleh? please reply to drsinaps [at] gmail [dot] com. thanks!
i can imagine your situation sebabnya dulu selalu tengok 733 couples yg handle twins, triplets, quad dan yg paling sensasi Jon & Kate plus 8 ( 2+6 ) and most of the mommies are on full time job (SAHM) and do not have a break :(
*hugs* you need to hire baby sitter so that you can take some time off just for a couple of hours ..
sabar ya LD, banyak pahala tau :)
i like the pic, creative la jugak dari top view, semua nampak santai hehehe...yg sorang tu kain dah terangkat lol...
bdp : you know diah i tell myself everyday that it will get easier. but so far it gets even more challenging than ever. kalau dulu can simply pass around je the twin now is BIG NO NO. now my twin is in "separation anxiety" phase and even dengar suara mommy pun nak memerap 24/7 haiiyaa i have other two boys to look after and also wifey chores to serve and also working full time so you imagine how crazy it is for me
intan : thank you intan insyaAllah. i pray my kids would grow become good muslim/muslimah nanti that would be the biggest reward for me :)
zan : *hugs* i have a helper and yet i am complaining. teruk kan.
hee hee hish i cannot imagine if i dont have a helper mau giler dibuatnya.
sometimes rasa kat office less hectic dari rumah ni. kat rumah ni nak duduk depan pc pun susah.
susah betul i nak ambik gambar diaorang empat empat sekali sebab asyik tak cukup kourom je sorang lari lari, sorang mengamok, sorang lagi nap time mcm-mcm la..
i think all mothers to some extent struggle and juggle. orang nampak aje mcm derang coping and nampak cam semua smooth aje but maybe kebetulan ternampak derang during a "good period". kita nampak snapshots of other ppl's lives aje..kita tak nampak the whole picture. so for all u know, u might be coping better than most people!
if at any time rasa cam overwhelmed, setuju dgn zan..take time out. whatever will make u a better parent is good la kan.
at least now temporarily SAHM, kurang skit stressors (hopefully!). sana takde option kerja part time eh? i'm just so amazed that not only are u looking after four kids, buat kerja rumah AND working full time! you are the true superwoman. orang kat sini kan kalau dpt twins, terpaksa benti kerja coz the workload at home is skyrocket high. amazing la awak ni LD!
the twins are so cute in the petite baju kurung...comelnya!!!
you know .. motherhood is never easy. not easy with singletons, and definitely never easy with multiples .. but take comfort then they're asleep .. and just take a break .. we all need them .. I salute you girlfriend .. need any help, we're just shouts away ...
btw, reading your entry I cringed at how much trouble we (me & Nobita) would have been to my mom .. but my mom today is a very content woman, doing whatever her heart wishes with a pair of twin girls and children she is so proud of .. i'm sure she once had wished time had flown, but time did fly. so, you hang in there .. kids won't stay kids forever .. but while they are, we all need breaks.
p/s cantiknya diorang bermerah-merahan beramai-ramai ..
cutenya.. kecik2 dah pakai baju kurung... eh? eh? ramai merah this year...
ai.. I yg anak baru 2 ni pon pening tau.. you lagila with 2 active boys and 2 little princess that needs you attention..
You really are superwoman!
the twins are soooo comelllll! eiii nak picit2!!! :)
errr... cemana boleh jadi temporary SAHM? did i miss previous entries about this?
i can totally relate to your situation (not the part about handling 4 kids!) about kelam-kabutness kat rumah. stress kat tempat kerja lain, stress kat rumah lain. cuma bila kat rumah, terasa ada rewarding feelings walaupun susah-payah.
hahahaha, i faham sgt part tak dpt nak duduk depan computer as much as you want to. you don't see me blogging or getting online often, do you? :) i still need to work on managing my time and activities, it is an ongoing goal to reach :)
Nope! I had a bad day yesterday and I cried shamelessly in the car.
And I don't have twins with two young boys.
thank you all for your support. terharu saya. :) well maybe semalam extra emotional i will write a self-motivated entry in the next few days, to tell you guys that is it not that bad... hee hee :) maybe hari ni sudah ceria balik
aliya : yepp i guess every mother goes through the same thing, and i learn to motivate myself jangan la compare dengan orang yg is "better" than me in terms of juggling kang lagi stress dibuatnya so maybe my office mate with twin boys is blessed and i am somehow well doing the best i can here takpe la tapi im sure ada lagi banyak ibuu kat luar sana yg anak ramai-ramai, rapat-rapat and lagi hebat manage all the kids and not complaining unlike moi :P
less pahala for me ke ni ? well i just want to record this so that i will remember how tough it is to raise my kids especially the twin during this period. mencabar sungguh keimanan, physically and mentally
i am working on something so that i will be able to work from home. doa-doakan la berjaya ye. for now due to financial commitments kena la kerja full time lagi :(
gartblue : dulu masa u kecik kan kalau u nangis ur twin pun nangis ke ??? hee hee nak nap time during babies sleep does not really apply to me sebab they usually sleep one after another, and also masa twin tido is one-to-one session with the abang-abang kalau tak mmg takde quality time with the boys, so mummy hardly ada time to rest.
mamarawks : tula kan bile kite ada anak kecik ni and rapat-rapat memang penat. superwoman tu jauh lagi tu nak achieive i am struggling but doing the best i can though :)
famygirl : i ambik unpaid leave sekejap. takde orang nak jaga twin ni maid balik indon raya holidays.
maybe i should learn from you sis how to manage my time ni
lollies : *hugs* oh no what happened ?? hope you are getting better today.
err what can i say? heck i am not even a mother ehehe. i think you're doing well as it is. sempat update blog lagi.
selamat hari raya ld
mosh : taking time out for venting moments. hee hee :) selamat hari raya to you too.
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